Fight-For-Life Seminars [Register]

             Click above to view the new “Fight For Life” video

Every officer, no matter their years of service, will be engaged in a physical encounter that may jeopardize their LIFE; and it is the gear they wear that could make the difference between life and death.

The Fight For Life officer survival seminar focuses on just that — perfecting an officer’s ability to survive a physical assault when confronted with a combative and violent subject(s).

The seminar addresses the mental and physical conditioning needed to WIN the fight both in the street and in the courtroom, and how the right gear plays a very important role in these high risk encounters.

The itinerary for this seminar will focus on how to manage short burst of energy — using anaerobic conditioning, tactics and control — to go the distance when your life is on the line.


  • Building Hand and Eye Coordination
  • Hand Speed & Power Development
  • Tactical Combinations
  • Officer Survival Exercises
  • Handgun Drills
  • Mini-Confrontation Drills
  • Ground Combat Tactics
  • Edged Weapons Defense
  • Deployment Options for Edged Weapons
  • Firearm Survival Training (What to do if the gun is pointed at you!)
  • Much more!

Duration: 2 Days

Tuition: This two day officer survival seminar is FREE and paid for by Uncle Mike’s Law Enforcement — because they realize that it is the right gear that saves lives!

Equipment Required: Clothing and footwear for defensive tactics instruction, with duty belt and holster, training weapons, inert aerosols, body armor, impact weapon, protective equipment, groin protection and mouthpiece.

Dates: See below for scheduled seminars.

Click To Register

Special Note from Uncle Mike’s Law Enforcement

At Uncle Mike’s Law Enforcement we know the right gear saves lives — but only if it used correctly. That’s why we’ve teamed up with Dave Young, Director and Founder of Arma Training to host these Fight-For-Life officerHolsterResourceKit survival seminars.

We are also working with Dave to develop innovative training tools for law enforcement professionals.

The first of these tools is the Holster Resource Kit, which includes a DVD Video and an “Act & React” training ball.

The video has Dave demonstrating a series of drills you can do by yourself or with a partner to help you become more proficient with your holster. The drills have you focus on the training ball while interacting with your holster to simulate that critical moment when you must focus on a suspect and break leather in defense of your life.

The kit costs $10.00 plus shipping and handling. To place your order, just click on the link below.

Order Dave Young’s Holster Resource Kit