
Increase Profits By Better Managing Conflict

Conflict between and among employees, managers, and customers occurs when there is an emotional reaction to a disagreement. Poorly managed conflict is inevitable within any business environment and leads to…

  • Disrespect
  • Bullying
  • Emotional/physical violence.

…resulting in…

  • Revenue loss
  • Customer complaints
  • Reduced employee performance
  • Liability / Litigation
  • Lack of a commitment to a company’s vision
  • Injuries
  • Employees saying and doing things that destroy self-esteem and reputations
  • Profit loss
  • And, in rare situations, even lives

Although human conflict cannot be eradicated or avoided, we can train to reduce its negative consequences. That’s what we do at Vistelar. How?

By training to minimize conflict by verbalizing in a non-escalatory and de-escalatory style that involves responding effectively to emotional or physical violent erupts. This is effectively accomplished by using our distinguished and interactive/engaging training style. It’s been proven all over the world in the police, first responder, and many other markets – now adapted and proven effective in the business market.

Benefits of our Verbal Defense & Influence Training Program:

  • Reduce unnecessary revenue loss as a result of conflict
  • Create and uphold a social contract that minimize conflict
  • Empower employees to resolve conflict on their own
  • Decrease workplace bullying and harassment
  • Deal effectively with customers to reduce complaints
  • Foster improved cooperation and collaboration
  • Reduce risk of litigation
  • Protect from workplace violence

To learn more about how Vistelar can help your company be a more emotionally and physically safe environment, please submit the form below.